April 14, 2020
The Department of Business Development is shifting business certification and juristic person registration services online to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection, according to its director-general, Vuttikrai Leewiraphan.
“To comply with the government’s work-from-home policy and to promote social distancing, the Department of Business Development has ordered most of our staff to work from home since the announcement of the emergency decree on March 26,” he said.
“To further avoid public gatherings at the department’s branch offices, from April 20 the business certification and juristic person registration services will be provided via DBD e-service only,” added Vuttikrai.
“This measure will be applicable to the DBD head office and all branch offices of region 1 through 6. Customers can register for the services at www.dbd.go.th
“The Department of Business Development is concerned about public safety and urges all customers to follow the recommendations of the government and Public Health Ministry to protect themselves against the Covid-19 outbreak,” he added.
Source: The Nation