
Corporate Secretary

You no longer have to worry about government deadlines, we track them for you and take care of your corporate secretary routine (shareholders meeting, annual filings, etc…)

Service details

Annual Corporate Secretary

Annual shareholders meeting, Fillings with the Ministry of Commerce and Fillings with the Revenue Department

From 9,900 THB

Change of Shareholder

You want to add or remove some shareholder(s) for your company.

20,000 THB

Share Capital Increase

You want to increase the share capital of your company.

From 20,000 THB

Change of Company address

You need to change your current company address.

From 10,000 THB

Company Social Security Registration

You hired your first employee and need to register your company to the Social Security.

10,000 THB

RD/SSF/DBD E-filling Registration

You want to register to e-filing for the RD, SFF and DBD to be able to pay your taxes online.

From 1,900 THB

Employee SSF Registration

You hired a new employee and need to register him to the Social Security.

From 1,900 THB

RD Registration for Foreigner

You hired, or you are a foreign worker in Thailand and need to submit your income tax to the Revenue Department

From 3,000 THB

Change of Directors

You need to change your current company director with a new one.

20,000 THB